Thursday, April 06, 2006


5ft 3
purple eyes
long hair
brown on black
2-3 second stun

Went to kk hospital today you know what i hate
about doctors? they make my asthma sound
so bad. I gotta do lung test(again) and skin test
on monday in some lab at kk. After today i got
a new inhaler, how do i use it?

hahas not through the mouth but the NOSE!!!!
When the doctor told me tt i was like KNN!
i think my parents heard it.

Questions i asked myself in the dogtors room
1. Why me?!

2. When will the asthma go away?

3. Does having asthma mean a shorter life?

4. Can i dont do the nose thing?

5. When will the doctor finish talking( I'm waiting for my macs!)

You help me answer them

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